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Melissa & Dave - Adventures at Sea

Oh look another whale

We awoke to discover one of our two flopper stoppers is missing.  Dang it!  They are bulky and are hence going to be hard to carry down a replacement set from Seattle.  Not clear whether Dave didn’t tie the knot tight enough and they are on the bottom of the bay, or if maybe they were stolen in the middle of the night.  Anyone ever see Dave tie a knot?  Melissa is betting on them having been quietly swiped. The one set that is missing is the one where the knot was at waterline and hence would have been easy to grab from a small boat.

Quiet ride from Ipala to Chamela.  Along the way Melissa noticed that the cotter pin that secures the anchor to the anchor chain was badly rusted.  Yikes!  So Dave replaced it underway.

We saw lots of whales and dolphins along the way.  The humpback whales have been with us this whole journey starting with the day we left Vancouver.  Seems we have migrated with them.  We never thought we would see the day when we would not grab the camera and try to take pictures every time we see them.  But here we are – blasé about “another whale”.  We only get a thrill if they are leaping clean out of the water or get really close to the boat.

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